Is Postgraduate Study Right for Me? 5 Tips to Help You Decide

Deciding whether or not to pursue postgraduate study is a big choice - and it depends on many factors. Which university should you attend?  What city should you live in? How much will it cost? There’s so much to think about! 

If you’re finding it all a bit overwhelming, we’re here to help. Here are our top five tips for making your postgraduate study decision a little easier.

1. Set your goals

Start by figuring out what you want to get out of the postgraduate study process. Are you looking for specialised knowledge, career growth or personal exploration? A realistic assessment of your goals will help you to decide if, where and what you should study. 

If you’re hoping for a long, successful career, in some industries having a postgraduate degree will benefit you. However, in other fields, it may be better for you to jump into the workforce and gain practical experience straight away.

For those wanting to spend their career in academia, postgraduate study is an excellent option.

2. Check course offerings

One of the most important parts of this journey is choosing your course. Certain universities have specialities, while others offer a more generalised course catalogue. Take the time to research your options, looking at different universities’ course offerings, teachers, practical learning opportunities and industry connections. 

3. Calculate your costs

Consider not only tuition fees but also living expenses. Think about how much you’re willing to spend and explore the cost of living in different cities. If you have your heart set on a more expensive city, but your course is also offered in more budget-friendly locations, you might have to compromise. 

Thinking of studying in Australia or the UK? Check out our guide to the cost of living in Australia and our guide to the cost of living in the UK

4. Explore scholarships

Look into scholarship opportunities to ease the financial burden. This may also determine where you study, as certain universities may offer scholarships for your particular course. Government scholarships are another option, with many state or federal governments supplying funding for international students.

Learn more about scholarships available in Australia and the UK.

5. Work-life balance

Some postgraduate courses can be very demanding and may be too difficult to complete while working. Find out if your chosen program allows part-time work to help you manage your finances.

Plus, make sure you’re enjoying your hobbies and spending time with friends! A strong work-life balance is not only important to maintain your mental health but will give you energy and motivation to work hard at your studies.

When deciding whether or not to take on postgraduate study, make sure you think about what matters most to you. There are many factors that go into the decision, so take the time to consider them all. 

Good luck on your postgraduate journey!

Author: Amy Roberts


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